Webpage Inspector
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Webpage Inspector-View, traverse, and even dynamically update that HTML DOM directly in the browser window. Analyze the web pages you are interested in and learn their tricks.

Tree-like HTML Structure view-The tree view shows the wide range structure information of the web page. It displays details on forms, meta tags, links, images, scripts, style sheets, applet's, XML data islands and Applet's/ActiveX objects.
HTML DOM-View, traverse, and even dynamically update that HTML DOM directly in the browser window.
Style Sheet-Enables you to trace various style sheets, such as linked style sheets, embedded style sheets, and imported style sheets and in-line style rules. ?View current style of any web document and highlight all style attributes with non-default values.
Inspect HTML DOM Element-Inspect HTML DOM element and get the full name of HTML DOM Node by clicking on webpage. Search for particular elements by ID/Name, tag name /class, or attributes Text.
Various inspector-DOM Node,Document,Form,Links, Frames...
Validate Webpage-Online validate W3C HTML, HTML Tidy, CSS, Feed, Links, WAI, Section 508 and P3P. Local validate W3C HTML and CSS.
Various online website tools-Whois lookup, Ping, Trace route, DNS and My IP information service by domaintools.com, Website details by alexa.com, Webpage speed report by websiteoptimization.com, webpage speed test by webscale.com , web archive history by web.archive.org and search engine checker by sitesolution.com
View HTML Source-View HTML origin source and rendered source.

The webpage inspector page is shown below.
