Follow this step-by-step tutorial to learn about some basic HTTP Monitor features:
1. Click on IE WebDeveloper V2 icon in the Internet Explorer toolbar to open the IE WebDeveloper main window (see launch IE WebDeveloper V2) , then click "HTTP Monitor" to activate the HTTP Monitor.
2. By default, the "start logging"
button is down, if not, click the "start logging" button to capture the HTTP traffic.
3. Enter "" in the IE's address bar to navigate to it.
4. Now the HTTP Monitor's session grid displays one or more entries. Notes: if you close the HTTP Monitor band, it will stop logging requests.
5. Click on the first entry in the Session Grid and notice that the detailed information of individual HTTP session can be viewed in the Session View.
6. In the headers tab, right-click the request-header list and pop up a sensitive menu, then click "view raw data..." to show the raw request-header in a notepad editor. You can also apply the same operation to response-header list.
7. Click the Stream tab to show the HTTP request and response streams
8. Click the status code definition tab to show the instant help about http status code of the current session.
9. Click the "clear"
button to empty the session grid.
10. Click the "stop"
button to halt the logging.